Tentative Schedule (May 18)

Friday, May 18, 2012        9:00am-10:30am

S24: 华人文学中的文化与移民 (9:00-11:30am)

  1. 日华作家的“日本论” (日本武藏野美术大学 廖赤阳)
  2. 后方修马华文学史建构上的冲突:现实主义作家与留台作家 (日本立教大学 舛谷锐)
  3. 寓言书写和语言策略:以李永平、张贵兴为例(日本学术振兴会 及川茜)
  4. 馬華抗戰文學:中國抗戰文學的傳播與接受的探討(馬來西亞博特拉大學 莊華興)
  5. An Essay on the Study for  “Chinese-language Literature by Chinese Diaspora” 华人华文文学新视角的必要性 (釜山大學 金惠俊)
  6. 全球化視野下的華文文學 (巨濟大學 吕晓琳)

  1. Vancouver’s Chinatown: A Place In The Making (Lisi FENG, University of British Columbia)
  2. Places in Time: Chinatowns, Beginnings and Endings (Cindy Hing-Yuk WONG, City University of New York & Gary MCDONOGH, Bryn Mawr College)
  3. The Divided Present (Andréanne DOYON, Justin H.K. TSE, University of British Columbia)
S26: Traveling Despite the Red Tape of the White Australia Policy

  1. Paper trails:  Anglo-Chinese Australians and the White Australia Policy (Kate BAGNALL, Editor / Web content developer / Historical researcher)
  2. Situ Family’s Experience between Papua New Guinea and China (1920s to 1930s) (Selia TAN, University of Hong Kong / Wuyi University)
  3. Navigating Policies and the Seas: Migrant Merchants of the Wing On and Sincere Department Stores (Heidi H. KONG, University of British Columbia)

  1. The transformation of funerary landscape by the evolution of Chinese burials in Burnaby, BC (Maurice GUIBORD)
  2. Ethnic Enclave? Sex and the Myth of Isolation in Twentieth Century Chinese Canadian History (Elise CHENIER, Simon Fraser University)
  3. Loaded Words: Race, Ethnicity and Language among Chinese Canadians (Kenneth HUYNH, University of Toronto)
  4. Migration, Identities, and Transformation (Xiong GU, University of British Columbia)
S28: Researching and Writing Family Histories; a Celebration of Chinese Canadian Roots (Panel proposal submitted by Chinese Canadian Historical Society of British Columbia CCHSBC)

  1. The new Peruvian-Chinese Association (APCh) or the heirs of the Dragon (Isabelle LAUSENT-HERRERA, French National Research Center)
  2. Transpacific Steam: Mexico and the unexplored case of the China Commercial Steamship Company (1903-1913) (Ruth MANDUJANO, University of British Columbia)

  1. 论民国时期侨刊对侨乡社会的建构—以台山侨刊为切入点 (五邑大学广东侨乡文化研究中心 姚婷)
  2. 构建海洋社会华人女性生活史:资料和方法的探讨 Building A History for Chinese Women in China’s Southeast Conner and Overseas: A Discussion on Research materials and Methods (厦门大学  沈惠芬)
  3. 华侨华人民间文献的多重价值与开发利用 (暨南大学 徐云、朱丽娜)
  4. 近代广东侨刊研究—以《香山旬报》为中心 (广东省立中山图书馆 倪俊明)

Friday, May 18, 2012        10:45am-12:15pm


  1. From Chinatown to Ethnoburb: The Chinese in Toronto (Arlene CHAN, Toronto Public Library)
  2. Pioneer Pacific Chinatowns: Tracing the Chinese Diaspora in History (Judy Lam MAXWELL, Chinese Canadian Military Museum)

  1. Chinese Thai Remigration: From Thailand to the United States (Jiemin BAO, University of Nevada)
  2. Chinese immigrants in Russia: Chasing the Canadian dream (Olga ALEXEEVA, Université Laval)
  3. Transborder Sovereignty: Chinese “Coolie” Migration to the Americas and the Limits of the Nation-State (Elliott YOUNG, Lewis & Clark College)

  1. Summary of Research Findings on the Family History of Yuan Shikai: a current and updated report ( KaChuen GEE, City University of New York and Sheau-Yueh CHAO)
  2. Kuomintang’s Influence in East Canada and beyond: A Case Study of Shing Wah Daily News (Stephen QIAO, University of Toronto)
  3. The Hong Men Min Chih Tang Association of Cuba: 125 Years Developing Friendship, Fraternity, and Assistance (Mitzi ESPINOSA LUIS, Nacional Association Min Chih Tang)
  4. Chinese Freemason’s Lantern: The Transnational Vestige of Chinese Overseas Heritage (Tzu-I CHUNG, Royal British Columbia Museum)
S34: Chinese and Aboriginal Relations; Acknowledgment and Affirmation (Panel proposal submitted by Chinese Canadian Historical Society of British Columbia CCHSBC)

  1. 家庭团聚是移民法体系的核心—美国、加拿大家庭团聚移民政策分析 (华中师范大学  李其荣)
  2. Found: Lin Chin and Lee Tuck Hor (Imogene L. LIM, Vancouver Island University)

  1. 论重回故土对美华作家中国叙事的影响 (暨南大学  李亚萍)
  2. 论华文文学研究中的“北美专题” (汕头大学  庄园)
  3. 以「加拿大华裔作家协会」出版的作品选集为例,试谈「加华作家」的家(加)国情怀与表现 (香港中文大学 陈露明)
  4. 本土身分的建構與反思──以阿濃的散文為例The Construction and Reflection of Local Identity: A Case Study of A Nong’s Prose (香港中文大學 馬輝洪/ 多倫多大學 梁恒達)
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